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AZN Tuning ECU computer optimized power conversion

AZN Tuning since 2008 began working refit study of the car, especially good at car ECU upgrade computer programs; then also introduced a host of Germany advanced ECU calibration equipment to serve the local riders,exhaust manifolds for sale the past few years, after their modified vehicles numerous cases. At present, the domestic market is in a takeoff car modification stage of development, a lot of people know how to modify ECU computer, but unlike ordinary AZN Tuning ECU program mode directly apply abroad, but according to the owner's driving needs, oil quality combined with different engines peripheral hardware upgrades, ECU tuning a personalized program.
In fact, the car's trip computer program is a set of electronic algorithms to upgrade its modification, in fact, is to modify the original algorithm has been set up. performance exhaust manifold The Volkswagen CC 1.8T, for example, the original ECU set general demand and popularity of uniform standards set, engine power would be too conservative. If you are a man who likes to drive, there are requirements for the handling of the driver, so long as the vehicle for the ECU program to rewrite or even rewritten potential engine to play, then the handling of the vehicle will naturally increase.
AZN Tuning is currently involved in a wide range of brands of car modification, European cars and Japanese cars are within the scope of business. Where Japanese cars such as Mitsubishi, Subaru brand models will focus on how to upgrade the factory ECU, such as EVO and WRX STI; and for Toyota, Honda and Nissan models will plug a computer to control the use of the engine air-fuel ratio, the fuel injection quantity and ignition timing and other parameters, and additional controllers to adjust the value of the turbocharger.

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